
  1. The tests and examinations will be as per the COUNCIL circular. Since promotion to the next higher class depends on total performance of the student throughout the academic year, it is essential that he/she takes all tests and examinations and completes all given assignments in time.
  1. Results of the annual examination will be announced in April. These results are final in all cases. Parents of detained students should not contact the Principal or the management for modification of the results as there will be no reconsideration in any case.
  1. In the case of a student who is detained in the same class every effort will be made by the teachers to improve the student’s performance. If , inspite of these efforts, the student fails again in the same class or is over aged by two or more years owing to failure in more than one class the student will be give transfer certificate, in the interest of the school and the student.
  1. Parents are requested to refer to the calendar regularly.
  1. Parents should personally collect Progress report when intimated.
  1. In the Pre-Primary, Primary and High Schools, parent-teacher meetings are held atleast twice a year. Parents/ Guardians are requested to utilize this facility to discuss their childrens’/ wards’ progress with the teachers with a view to further improve their standard.

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