

Welcome to Jubilee International Public School.

“Education is what remains after one has forgottenwhat one has learnt in school” –Albert Einstein

This prospectus will provide you with all the relevant information. Our aim is to give your child the best possible start to life in school and to see them progress to be happy, independent and responsible person.This prospectus aims to illuminate the readers about our school by providing the required information.

At “Jubilee International Public School”, we have high expectations of children and all adults within the school’s community. We expect everyone to treat people with care and respect, safeguarding their feelings and understanding that we are all different.To ensure the best outcomes for the children of “Jubilee International Public School”, we need to build good partnerships between school, children and home. We value the contribution made by parents and guardians towards your child’s education and will be available to discuss any concerns you may have.


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